
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wrap Applicator Giveaway 4/16/2012- winner

Review done by: Sweet N Sour Deals

Wraps are becoming one of the most trendy ways to lose unwanted fat or loose skin, I was lucky enough to sample one of these awesome wraps thanks to Love to Lose with Janine. 

Here is my experience:
When I first got the wrap it was folded up very neatly in a small white pack. When I opened it up it had a similar smell to Vick's Vapor rub, the smell its self wasn't bad but it was fairly strong. Its very easy to open the wrap up to apply on your stomach. Also the side with the lotion that has to be applied to your stomach is easily determined so no worries if you think you will get confused about that. The wrap is actually very big and fit across my stomach and on my love handles. I wrapped my stomach a couple times with some siran wrap but I HIGHLY suggest that if you do this that you wrap it atleast 10-15 times around. I wrapped mine about 5 times and in the end the siran wrap started to come off. 

After I applied the wrap to my stomach I got an instant Icy Hot Patch feeling. It sort of startled me because I wasn't expecting to feel that so I was very surprised when I began to feel it working so quickly. The smell is also there when you apply it but since its so similar to Vick's Vapor Rub you end up not really noticing it after 20 minutes or so.

I was able to lay down and use the computer with this wrap and it just stayed where it was and kept working. I HIGHLY suggest that if you do apply this wrap that you do it when you know you will be at a complete resting state. Any movement will cause the wrap to move which will become annoying to have to fix later on. After about 1 hour the tingly feeling started to go away but if I pressed on the wrap I immediately felt the cold sensation again.  

I left my wrap on for about 3 and a half hours and my results after 72 hours were amazing! I lost about 2 inches all the way around and my over hang at the bottom of my stomach from me having kids shrank! I didn't even leave it on for the maximum time and the wrap worked so amazing! I have a noticeable change in my love handles as well! I LOVE this wrap, I highly recommend this product if you are looking for a alternative way to fix your flabby stomach. Like any mom I've had my stomach stretched from 3 pregnancies and it sometimes seems like the over hang wont ever leave. This wrap has proven to help and  I can say it WORKS!

This isn't a alternative to working out so in no way should you quit eating healthy or stop excercising. This is a great product to use along with your already present diet or healthy life style.

Here is a wrap result from our Sponsor Love to Lose With Janine

More results from wraps:

Now on to the Giveaway!! IF you would like a chance to try one of these awesome wraps, enter this giveaway using the Raffle Copter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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